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Lemon Salad Dressing

Lemon Salad Dressing A simple lemon based sugar-free salad dressing that will always taste great! No Kosher salt in the cupboard? Use regular salt to taste. The great thing about these dressings is that they can also be used on steamed vegetables, not just salads. Makes 6 servings Ingredients: ½ cup fresh lemon juice ½ cup mild extra-virgin olive oil 3 cloves garlic, minced ½ teaspoon kosher salt Black pepper powder to taste Directions: In a medium bowl, whisk together the lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. Stir just before serving. Nutritional Information:  Amount Per Serving – 2 Tablespoons  Calories: 176  Total Fat 18.7g Saturated Fat 0g  Cholesterol 0g  Sodium 160mg  Total Carbohydrates  2.4g  Dietary Fiber  0.2g  Protein  0.2g Source Link:

Children Who Eat A Healthy Diet, Are Less Likely to Be Bullied – Finds Study

Children Who Eat A Healthy Diet, Are Less Likely to Be Bullied – Finds Study.

A recent study by IDEFICS, have concluded that children adhering to healthy diets portray improved self-esteem, are happier and lacks emotional & peer problems.

Though it is a complex situation when encouraging children to eat nutritious food such as vegetables, fruit & fish, the aforementioned study has presented that children who do are more probable to benefit from a lack of emotional dilemmas and as a result, less inclined to being bullied.
Examining 7,675 children amid the ages of two and nine, entailing from eight European countries namely; Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Spain and Sweden, the researchers requested parents to report how frequently their child consumed food from a list of 43 items.
The children were then assigned a Healthy Dietary Adherence Score (HDAS), depending on their consumption of the aforementioned foods, aiming to record adherence to healthy dietary guidelines, including having more fruit and vegetables, reducing intake of fat & refined sugars.
The measurements of the children’s height and weight too were recorded and repeated once more two years later.
The results depicted that those who best met European healthy food guidelines portrayed improved self-esteem and wellbeing, irrespective of their weight.
Dr Louise Arvidsson, one of the authors from the study from the University of Gothenburg, further stated, “Among young children aged two to nine years there is an association between adherence to healthy dietary guidelines and better psychological well-being, which includes fewer emotional problems, better relationships with other children and higher self-esteem, two years later”.   
Fascinatingly, the data exposed a link between consuming fish two to three times a week to improved self-esteem and a lack of emotional and peer dilemmas, such as the absence of friends or being bullied.
While the consumption of fruit and vegetables was accompanied by improved wellbeing, augmented self-esteem was associated with sensible sugar intake.


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